Apple said: "The talent and enthusiasm of Steve source is the source of initiatives to diversify and improve the lives of us all. The world has become so much better up thanks to Steve".
Jobs had to face many different health problems after surgery a rare form of pancreatic cancer in January is 8 / 2004. Jobs also had liver transplant surgery on 4 / 2009. Then he returned to work over a year and a half. 1 / 2011, Steve announced Apple would have to break in a period of time because of health problems and then to August last, Steve announced the resignation of chief executive of Apple. He said: "I've always said that if there was a day when I can no longer be on duty as the chief executive of Apple, I'll be the first to tell you. Unfortunately, that day has come .. "
One of the most legendary businessmen in American history, Jobs has been in three separate areas in 35 years time he joined the industry.
Personal computer was invented with the launch of the Apple II in 1977. The recording of digital music has been put on the iPod and iTunes beginning in 2000, and mobile phones have not been there before the iPhone debut in 2007. Jobs played an important role in the development of all three products as "vibrations" that the whole world.
Steve Jobs: The life associated with technology
IPad invented in 2010, computer touch screen panel is a great idea, engaging millions of people who love technology worldwide, and also triggered fierce competition in the computer market table, leading to greater development of the industry.Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 and was a young couple adopted. Paul and Clara his name, and by 1960, the family moved out of town to the valley of Santa Clara Valley, the Valley is Silicon Valley. Jobs grew up in Mountain View, Cupertino, where Apple's headquarters later.
He attended school in Oregon ReedCollege but left school a year later. After a short time working at the Atari video game, he took the time to travel to India and develop a passion for Buddhism.
Back to California, Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak were learning skills that will change both their lives. When Jobs discovered that Wozniak has nearly completed assembling a small computer, he along with Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computer in 1976 in the usual way in Silicon Valley: open shop in the garage of a in the founder's parents.
Wozniak technical management created Apple I, Jobs in the sales and distribution. The company has sold a couple hundred Apple I, but had great success selling Apple II, making the company more widely known.
The company also made Jobs and Wozniak or more affluent. When the company was publicized, Jobs also became more popular, becoming one of the pioneers in the industry.
Macintosh computer was launched in 1984 confirmed the position of Apple in the computer industry. But just over a year later when Mac appears 1 / 1984. Jobs left the company he founded.
In 1985, Apple's CEO at the time, John Sculley, Jobs persuaded people to leave the Pepsi to Apple in 1983 Jobs eliminated from the lead group of Macintosh, the Apple board has support the decision of Sculley.
Jobs left the company and then founded a company named NeXT, a very big influence to the later products of Jobs. NeXT failed but gives many valuable lessons Jobs. Then Apple bought NeXT, which later became the foundation for the operating system of Apple OS X devices are present on Macs, iPhones, and iPod touch now.
Jobs returned to Apple in 1996. At that time, Apple is in a very chaotic period, losses, loss of markets, and other key employees.
In 1997, Jobs returned to Apple as a leader. He was immediately in the Apple. iMac was introduced in 1998 can be considered to be released (Stevenote) of Jobs First. Presentation skills at events such as Macworld's Jobs has become a legendary example and demonstrate power in high-tech industries.
Jobs also set the roadmap for Apple to become a leading company in consumer electronics, creating and improving products such as iPod, iTunes, and then the iPhone and iPad. Apple is a company with publicly traded value of the world's largest, surpassing the market capitalization of U.S. oil companies, ExxonMobile in August last. In the years before he fell ill in 2008, Jobs seemed a bit weaker, probably due to rare form of pancreatic cancer there in 2004.
Jobs leaves behind his wife, four children, two sisters, and 49,000 employees of Apple and the grief of so many people love technology worldwide.
According ICTnews
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