Friday, November 4, 2011

Apple: iOS 5 is the cause "energy drain" on the iPhone

As the craft was reported, while waiting for Apple to investigate the cause of the iPhone 4S battery, PC Magazine has itself made ​​a test and determined, the IOS is the cause of this condition.
So far, Apple has confirmed the operating system's new iPhone they do take more power. A patch for iOS 5 to remedy this situation are being urgently developed firm, with a statement made on AllThingsD.
"A small number of customer feedback that the battery life of the equipment installed iOS 5 shorter," Apple said. "We've found a few errors affect battery life, the problem will be solved by software updates will be available in the future."
So far, users of devices running IOS 5 also seek solutions to resolve the situation this problem off some features, applications. Also, not everyone is having low battery condition as above, some users even said, improved battery status when updating their devices to iOS 5. Thus, the error "energy drain" of iOS 5 actually occurs only in a few features that depend on and using the employer's equipment.
According to the news that Boy Genius Report have been, Apple has released version 5.0.1 to test iOS developers to "fix affect battery life." I hope the official version will quickly to consumers within the next few weeks.


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