These images are thought to occur through automatic directory updates (newsfeeds) of the user.
According to tech site ZDNet, the image is spread through a virus "link spam" ("linkspam"), enticing users to click on the link seems to talk about something harmless.
Some users say they have closed an account on Facebook after seeing scary images on your personal page
Thousands of Facebook members have posted comments about the incident on Twitter.
"Having discovered a porn site, called Facebook," one user wrote.
"Facebook needs to take action on the pornographic images had been edited in Photoshop," another wrote.
Others complained they had seen the pictures with the animals, and some people said that so they decided to lock up your account.
Some people connect this attack with the hacker group Anonymous after a piece of tape was released to YouTube, threatening to "kill" Facebook.
However, experts are questioning the authenticity of the video.
The reaction
The company specializes in Internet security, Sophos said the pictures were "flooded" on Facebook in about 24 hours.Senior professional technology consulting firm, said Graham Cluely unclear contents are distributed under the bad kind, but added that Facebook may be confronted with long-term consequences.
"Issues like this are likely to cause users to avoid this social network," he wrote on a company blog.
"Facebook needs to handle problems quickly and prevent a similar situation occurs on such a scale again."
Social networks require members to register at least 13 years old.
Experts say that companies may need to warn about the risk of the youngest users can see the bad image it.
"The leadership is responsible for Facebook to encourage your audience to see the pictures nienneu that they should discuss with their families or with academic advisors," Sally Leivesley, executive managing director of NewRisk same time as consultants for the control of crisis management said.
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