Recently, in his book "Inside Apple" (roughly translated "Inside Apple"), author Adam Lashinsky revealed that CEO Steve Jobs of Apple was "grab" from the hands Cisco iPhone trademark.
CultofMac magazine, not just computer giant Cisco iPhone trademark Apple for years, but they also own brands iOS. So Apple may be two brands that how?
The story is told in his book Lashinsky as follows:
One day, Steve Jobs personally called Charles Giancarlo, Cisco's executives at the time. Mr. Giancarlo said: "Steve Jobs called me and said that he wanted the iPhone trademark. Steve Jobs did not suggest anything to change it. As if what we get is promises will be good friends. I answered "no, we have plans to use it (ie the trademark" iPhone ")."Not long after, the law office of calling Apple announced that Cisco has "de-brand iPhone," which is the point of Apple, Cisco is not sufficient grounds to protect intellectual property rights, called "iPhone" and Apple has the right to use.
Mr. Giancarlo said a day after Apple introduced iPhone, Cisco filed a lawsuit.
Then the negotiation process between the two sides have shown a classic negotiating tactic by Steve Jobs. According to the Giancarlo, Steve Jobs has called to his home to dinner on Valentine's as an appointment.
After some talk, Steve Jobs said, "He can receive mail at home?". This question makes surprise Giancarlo. It was in 2007, when broadband Internet was popular throughout the normal household in the U.S., let alone a family of Silicon Valley leaders, who have many years of work in the technology progress. Giancarlo recalled: "He asked if I could check email at home. You know, he's trying to irritate me the most polite way. " Cisco has abandoned litigation shortly afterwards, and the two companies come to an agreement is ambiguous will work in both areas of mutual interest.
According to the book "Inside Apple" trademark use rights iOS also undergoing negotiations before belonged to Apple, and of course, Steve Jobs has adopted the "tactics" to achieve its own goal of his.
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