Apple dominates the tablet market. The manufacturer has two ways to win "Apple": a product that offers better functionality iPad, a tablet two of them have similar functions but cheaper than Apple's tablet.
According to calculations by DigiTimes, a tablet running Windows 8, the lowest priced Intel chip is 599 USD, higher than the iPad to 100 USD. The question is whether Intel and Microsoft are willing to lower price Windows 8 tablet to gain a leadership position or not.
Lessons learned from the Netbooks
Price estimates DigiTimes is considered relatively close compared to sales of tablet PCs running Windows today. However, the same price as the touch interface unfriendly, Windows 7 on the tablet completely received more attention from users. Meanwhile, prices of Clover Trail chip or Windows 8 will not be published. Status uncertain about the price of this netbook is like at birth. If no price reasonable policy, probably Intel and Microsoft will bring its products into the same path of failure by non-competitive netbook with ARM chip with operating systems based on other Linux platforms.Rather than spend a small investments for Clover Trail chip and operating system Windows 8, the manufacturers need to Atom processor, Windows 7 Starter Edition with an emphasis on products that can be the tablet is cheaper at the same time seize more market share than. According to ComputerWorld, the tablet PC running Windows are similar in that: use a dedicated processor, running on a Windows version and is set for a price to compete with a computer model using chip board ARM equivalent.
Tablet running Windows 8 where successful?
Windows Tablet 8 is required to reduce the competitive price Clover Trail chip and operating system. Photo: Ypics.
Also, "software giant" was successfully made by users are attracted by the features of Windows. Now, what the customer wants at the enterprise 8 is the ability to run Windows apps full screen but not tablet ARM chip can do this. Most Windows programs are designed to operate on Intel's x86 chip platform. Thus, tablets Clover Trail Intel chip could solve the problem of running full screen applications. The use of Clover Trail chip on tablet also enables users to run the same application on multiple devices ranging from mobile to desktop computers.
The use of x86 applications on the tablet can create advantages for Windows 8 tablet, but the enterprise customer can navigate to the product and the remote control software to achieve the purpose. Therefore, until the present time, the reduction in selling price is still considered the most effective way to Windows 8 tablet success.
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