Apple's iPad has completely changed the face of the IT industry. Apple expected to sell tens of millions of tablets and will increase in coming years. Not only that, iPad also do a lot more to Apple and Steve Jobs.
Having put the tablet on the market
More than anything, deserves to be honored iPad took the tablet on the technology industry. Before the iPad, the tablet is completely boring products for special applications. Consumers do not bother to even look at them, and the smartphone is the center of the universe. But now all has changed, both users and businesses are buying iPad as mobile devices provide more functions smartphone, even more functions than the laptop, desktop.
Smartphone much more
Interestingly, the tablet is that they provide the absolute cellular users have been using smartphones, but has the function similar to a netbook and even notebook. That is why so popular iPad and Apple continue to succeed in the mobile network. Even some people who abandoned the idea of buying smartphone to purchase tablets.
Death Notice netbook
Before the iPad, netbook as "queen" of the cellular array. Indeed, many analysts believe the netbook will really dominate the computer market. But in just a few years, the importance of the netbook has been pushed back, and now, some analysts are wondering this device much longer alive.
Difficult for laptop
Also netbook, tablet also make it difficult for laptop. iPad allows users to surf the web, check email, download the application and perform most tasks can be done on the laptop. Although the keyboard is sometimes quite difficult for users, but the accessory keyboard to fill these defects. Believe it or not, iPad is a real competitor of the laptop, and it is causing hurt laptop sales.
Thanks to iPad, Apple is the largest company
Earlier this year, Apple reached a milestone: it is the largest company in the world market value. This would not have been without the iPad. iPad has been popular worldwide and people do not find any other device that can compete with the iPad. No tablet, Apple simply will not be as big as today.
Steve Jobs is greater than the iPad
Over the years, Steve Jobs really admire about the technology. With iPod and iPhone, he became a symbol of success. But with the iPad, Jobs became the CEO has a great vision, has helped Apple distributors to market the most innovative products industry.
Ensuring the future of tablet
IPad No, nothing to say that the tablet has developed into a mass consumer product. And certainly, the tablet can not escape the shadow of a particular product, only for a specific audience.
Changing the attitudes of business
Business world is often very difficult to change. Policy makers worldwide IT simply could not bear the thought will apply new technologies and investing in new software, unless they know the solution that will help them make money. But with the iPad, all theories are thrown out the window. Apple's tablet is not the best business service, but the corporate world have used it with a fast pace. Who does not think Apple has broken the barriers of the business that long?
Change the user's perspective
iPad significantly changed the way consumers evaluate products on this. Previously, users would buy a different device to use a different utility. But now, the tablet is all that users want the product to the latest and greatest. All other product categories, such as cameras, computers and even software, are being pushed back. It's a big change without any highlighted companies in the technology sector.
Confirmed the dominance of Apple
As mentioned, Apple iPad help the company become the largest in the world. But it also strengthened the position of Apple as the company dominates the market. Search around and try to found a company that could enter the tablet market, control the market view. Even search for any company entering the field that Apple are, will not find popular. That does not happen, largely due iPad.
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