Tuesday, January 17, 2012

RIM unveiled plans for two new PlayBook tablet in 2012

There are reports that RIM (Research In Motion) is working with two samples of the new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is expected to be released in 2012.
According to information posted on the RIM N4BB currently has plans to release two versions, including version 10 inch and 7 inch versions, even in this in 2012.
The initial information said that the 7 inch version of the RIM will integrate 3G connectivity are expected to occur in the month 4 / 2012 and larger 10 inch version supports high-speed 4G LTE is expected to appears in the May 12/2012.
In addition, information also said RIM will release a smartphone running BlackBerry 10 in 2012 also in this. In addition, many companies are also able to release at least two versions of BlackBerry Curve this year.


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