Hardware changes
According to Belfiore, WP8 will support multi-core processors, 4-screen resolution (number of pixels do not have specific numbers) and microSD memory card is removable. This is really important improvements to the products of the Microsoft Windows Phone users can compete with the IOS or Android device. NFC connection is also supported, especially in electronic payment as the "Wallet experience". Also, the NFC touch to share will be compatible across platforms, from PC, laptop and tablet PC to the phone.Integrated Windows 8
Windows Phone 8 does not only share a user interface to a PC or tablet PC, it also uses some components similar to Windows 8 cores, allowing developers to utilize most of the programming code of their application when transfer application from the PC to the phone. The integration of Windows Phone 8 with Zune program will be eliminated but instead will be a different version of ActiveSync. Xbox Companion application is available on Windows Mobile version will have on SkyDrive Windows 8 also supports the transmission and sharing of data between devices.
Application Ecosystem
Microsoft hopes to have applications on Marketplace 100.00 (global) when Windows Phone 8 release, expected in Q4. New for applications will be supported by the native code, allowing to create more robust applications as well as convert code from IOS or Android. Windows Phone 8 also will support the connection between the application to application, deeply integrated Skype. The camera which will now be Microsoft provides a basic interface that the OEM can customize or add 3rd party viewfinder from. Another employee of Microsoft's Paul Thurrott even notice a change in the core operating system but Windows Phone application that currently backward compatibility.
Data Management
One of the features typically DataSmart, with the aim of simplifying the use of monitoring data. Besides providing data communication using the Windows Phone 8 can provide Wi-Fi connection priority, enabling automatic connection with the broadcast of the WLAN network when near. Finally features of Bing Map Local Scout will allow real-time search of free network access point.
The most interesting thing is the Windows Mobile 8 will use a proxy server to download page for Internet Explorer 10. Just like Opera Mini or Skyfire, this service will use the server site data compression, reducing capacity by 30%
Enterprise Support
Targeting the enterprise market, Windows Mobile 8 supports 128 bit encryption BitLocker, available on PC platforms and other applications and application support behind the company firewall.
Obviously there are many changes in the direction of bringing closer the Windows Phone platform, like Windows for the PC version. And what really makes the information on Windows Mobile 8 is a platform worth the wait on the road moving completely from Windows Mobile to Windows Phone from Microsoft.
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